Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Boring update

  1. Good news on my work front! I finally managed recruit my assistant. So, nowadays, my work is reduced by half. More time for me to blog.
  2. My birthday is 5 days away, and I am still remaining single.
  3. A blog reader is demand an update on my blog. The reason given is since today is raining and I am stuck in the office. Furthermore, he suggested: The movies I have seen, What I think of Brandon Roth, The ups & downs of plu friend & couple , life in KL, what I like and don't like, etc.
  4. I have been practice yoga since early this month. I have seeing the benefit of doing yoga. I have more flexible body and clear mind.


savante said...

OOh. An assistant. Is he hot, sexy and single?

And yeah, update!


Anonymous said...

Guess I am not the only one asking the same details.


Anonymous said...

hey i did 3 months of yoga practice too. it's very good experience.i agree with u, after yoga u will feel relax,refresh and recharge,body is more flexy and mind is clearer.

my instructor is a plu too, it's a small group of plu joining together,some even claim that it helps the breathng system too.

keep it up! :)
